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It will be flat Dad said, might even be a glass off he said. First glimpse of the water had Dad revising those statements from the night before. The forecast was wrong, it was a bit lumpy bit at least Tuna were about, so we quickly forgot about the glass off we meant to have. The Tuna were finicky, as they seemed to befitted on the tiny bait they were smashing on the surface. We were throwing the smallest and lightest slugs were had, but it wasn't until we used our small blue slugs that we had success. Today's trend was lots of chasing, plenty of casting and a few hookups, but we ended up with a good hookup rate just before we finished the session, so we went home happy. Coming into the arena we spotted an unfamiliar sight, a black wooden boat that seemed more at home in a pirate movie. Something new for the Bay.

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